Last Updated: 21-08-2021
EB Biz may require personal information in order to prepare, produce and fulfill your order, including your full name, email address, contact phone number, and delivery address. Some of your personal information may be shared with relevant third parties if required to fulfill your order. Please refer to the Relevant Third Parties section below.
Your personal/company information will be used to produce a tax receipt/invoice and delivered electronically to your email address.
EB Biz promises to never publish, sell or share your personal information with anyone.
All website data is transmitted over a secure connection using the latest SSL encryption techniques.
Personal Information that is required to be stored securely is saved to an encrypted database and is password protected and access limited.
Only personal information that is related to current orders is accessible via this website. After your order is fulfilled, your Personal Information, if required, is archived offline and stored in a location not accessible by the Internet.
Your Personal Information may need to be shared with relevant third parties for the purpose of fulfilling orders. Typically, the following personal information may be passed on to our partners to prepare, produce and deliver your items:
If you have any concerns about how your data is handled or stored, please feel free to Contact Us.